Monday, September 22, 2008

SEE, I'm Not The Only One!!!

*Here's a recent blog posting from another young gay man who lives out in Oklahoma (he's pretty HOT too). I swear we'd be soulmates if we didn't live so far apart . . .

Why would any GLBT be a Conservative Republican? It sounds like an oxymoron. Let me tell you why I am. It is not because I'm embarrassed to be gay or that I’m in the closet. I'm proud to be gay. I am secure to be the unique individual that God created me. I am Republican because of my core principles, principles that I cannot compromise on.

I believe that all are created equal and worthy of the same rights to freedom, liberty, and equality. I work hard within the Republican Party to advocate equal rights for all Americans, including gays and lesbians. My commitment comes from my firm belief in the principles of limited government, individual liberty and freedom, personal responsibility, low taxes, free market capitalism and a strong national defense. I believe that entitlement programs are best administered by private charities. I believe that Federal beuracracy is inefficient and ineffective. I believe that it creates generations of “entitlement”. Americans are not supposed to look Uncle Sam for a fix to their problems. We have to look within ourselves, only we are responsible for our own development. Politics should be the art of achieving the maximum amount of freedom for individuals. I believe that these principles and the moral values on which they stand are consistent with the pursuit of equal treatment under the law for gay and lesbian Americans.

I also believe all Americans have the right to life, liberty and equality. I believe equality for gay and lesbian people is consistent with the tradition of the Republican Party. Inclusion does win. I firmly believe that opposing gay and lesbian equality is inconsistent with the GOP's core principles of smaller government, personal freedom and individual choice and responsibility.

I am a loyal Republicans working for change from within the party. I work to secure full equality for gays, lesbians and all Americans. I believe it will create a stronger, larger, and more unified GOP, leading to the election of more fair-minded Republican candidates to public office at all levels of government. I am working to reclaim the GOP from the grasp of the Christian Coalition. While I believe everyone should have seat at the table (the Christian Coalition included) I don't believe that they should be able to dictate party policy to the exclusion of all others.

So this is who I am and this is what I believe. I am a gay Republican and a pariah in the gay community. I believe that Conservatism transcends gender, race, sexual orientation and other inherent, unchangeable qualities in any person who subscribes to those values. I am proof of that statement. I believe that conservative principles trump any party affiliation. However, I believe that Republicans offer the best hope of securing the vision of our forefathers and the future of our nation. It is up to people like myself to challenge the GOP to do what is in the best interests of this country in furthering the conservative cause while simultaneously opening up to those of us who are the new generation of the grassroots conservatives.

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