Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Thoughts On Debate 2

To be honest, I was really disappointed. Both candidates seemed to do nothing more than repeat the same "talking points" from the first debate. I don't see how last night's debate would have changed the minds of undecided voters in either direction. McCain needs to "take off the gloves" and start taking Obama more to task on his past activities and associations, and also needs to remind voters that Obama has the former Fannie Mae CEO as one of his top campaign advisors (not a bad way to show his appreciation for the six figure Senate campaign donation he accepted from Fannie).

Obama decries excessive CEO and "golden parachutes" yet his own advisor got a huge such parachute when forced to resign from Fannie Mae amidst questionable accounting practices, specifically overstating profits to procure larger bonuses for the top executives (seems like Enron deja vu). This would have been a PERFECT time for McCain to take Obama to task, yet he failed to do so. However, at least he brought up the Fannie contribution to Obama, but that was about it.

Sarah Palin is fighting hard during these last few weeks of the campaign, and McCain should also if he really is as behind in the polls as the media insists.

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