Thursday, January 15, 2009

Supreme Court Gets It Right!

I have been closely following this case ever since the 9th Circuit's terrible ruling, and am so happy that our nation's highest court struck the ruling down. To me, it's not so much an abortion issue as a first amendment issue. The 9th Circuit pretty much ignored CBR's constitutional rights, even though the group never drove onto or set foot onto school property. It was judicial activism at its worst, and I am glad we have a Supreme Court that still understands that our nation is not, nor was it ever intended to be, a police state. Had the lower court's ruling been allowed to stand, it would have set a precedent of absolutely disastrous proportions.

Columbus, OH – January 15, 2009 – The U.S. Supreme Court this week upheld the rights of the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform to display graphic abortion photos in California.

In July 2008, a panel of California judges ruled that pro-life activists could not show their graphic signs depicting aborted babies in a location adjacent to a middle school. The case involved a 75-minute police detention of two members CBR. CBR members had been driving a box bodied truck that displayed large photos of first-term aborted babies on its sides.

The Thomas More Law Center, a national public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, brought the case on behalf of CBR.

“This is a tremendous victory for the First Amendment and the pro-life movement,” said Robert Musie, trial counsel for CBR’s case.

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