Monday, September 8, 2008

America's REAL Black Voice . . .

God bless these wonderful Americans from Georgia . . . that's all I can say.  Here's what I wrote to them earlier tonight in response to their original message (scroll down and you'll see it).  These are the real American people who make our country so great!


 Hello There =)

I won't lie- I am getting flack EVERY day from other gay men. It's the same things that you and your husband probably hear from other blacks- "sell out," hypocrite," or even worse, "Uncle Tom." However, you and your husband should take that as a compliment because that's exactly what the NAACP and so called "black activists" say about Clarence Thomas, who often, in my estimation as a law student, seems like the only one of our nine Supreme Court justices who even has HALF a brain. Remember when he was nominated in 1991? Remember when Anita Hill all of the sudden decided to "come forward" and accuse sexual harassment? Never mind that she and him worked together at the EEOC, so she certainly knew the proper channels to go through at the time she claims she was "sexually harassed" ?

That's why the feminists despise Sarah Palin so much. It brings back memories of what Clarence Thomas had to endure. And btw, it was that same Joe Biden (who is Obama's choice of VP) who presided over Thomas's confirmation hearings and made very clear his distaste for Clarence Thomas even before the Anita Hill fiasco (which was just that- a fiasco).

Luckily, Clarence Thomas stood his ground and refused to succumb to REAL racism. I read his entire memoir, "My Grandfather's Son" in one sitting. A few of my friends still refuse to speak to me because I stood them up (unintentionally) when I couldn't put that book down. I would highly recommend that book to you and your husband, and every other American, no matter what their skin color. They are the memoirs of a man who faced racism of the worst kind: from his fellow blacks who you'd think would support him. It's exactly the same type of crap that Sarah Palin is having to face right now from these feminists.  They seethe with hatred towards her the same way a lot of blacks seethed with hatred (and continue to do so) towards Clarence Thomas.

I greatly admire you and your husband. I refuse to "sell out" just because I am gay in the same way that you and your husband refuse to do so because of the color of your skin. Most of the "homophobia" I have endured has come from other gays, and I am willing to bet that most of the racism you and your husband have endured comes from other blacks.

That is exactly what is great about the McCain-Palin campaign. The only label they care about is "American." They don't give a RAT'S ASS about whether you are male or female, black or white, gay or straight, young or old, fat ot thin, Lakers fan or Clippers fan (sorry, I am from L.A. so I had to throw that one in). If you're American, you deserve opportunity, not in the form of a free handout, but the chance to make something of your life and to "pay your way" as our founding fathers intended.

God bless you and your husband. The two of you can be whatever color you want: black, white, green, magenta, purple, or yellow (just stay away from the bright orange shade of Hilary's pantsuit). You're still Americans, and that's all that should matter. 


P.S. - Feel free to forward this to as many of your friends as you want, especially card-carrying NAACP members. It's time that blacks decide, just like I have decided as a gay man, that I am no longer going to fall for these nonsense liberal games and allow my sexual orientation to make my decisions for me =)

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: QW (McCain-Palin 08)
Date: Sep 8, 2008 7:36 PM

How r u? I just wanted to say hi and say that I so admire your "maverick" side. I guess we are BOTH pretty much a minority lol. I know I am working hard to open the minds of other blacks to McCain-Palin and its working but slowly I would say. Im just curious, what is the reaction u get in the gay community about McCain-Palin's ticket? What made u get the guts to do the "right" thing? My husband said you commented on his blog today and he said you are a cool ass person. I think the misconception that liberals like to paint of us conservatives is that we are all hateful, homophobic, and racist which is just not true. I can tell u that most of the racism, sexism, and stereotyping have been from liberals. I love how liberals lecture me on my blogs about how I dont understand the "black experience" then when I state facts, they call me a racial slur lol. Anyway, have a wonderful night my friend.


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