Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Appease Iran? I Think Not!

This was my response to an e-mail earlier today from someone who argues it's a good idea to "appease Iran to prevent war."

Nothing personal, but if you were at all familiar with Iran and the history of U.S.-Iranian tensions, you would know that appeasing Iran would not prevent terror at all, quite the opposite in fact. It would make us more vulnerable. Do you really think we can believe or trust anything that corrupt, lying, terrorist aiding country says? Iran is a miserable hellhole governed by Islamic theocracy, full of dirty, dishonest, manipulative, anti-Jewish, anti-Gay, anti-women's rights THUGS who cloak their hatred in religious rhetoric. Islamic terrorists commit and advocate violent acts of terror and hate just for the sake of terror and hate. It's not about any dispute over territory or a political issue. It is about a seething hatred that their "religion" indoctrinates them with from a very young age.

I agree that we should not have gone to war with Iraq. All the military might in the world won't make a difference if you point it at the wrong target. However, we DID go to war in Iraq, we cannot change that, and the troops (which include many gay men) deserve to come home victorious and know that all of their sacrifice actually counted for something in the end.

Just so there is no confusion on how purely evil that the Iranians are, here is a political ad from the 1980 campaign. They've been like this for decades, and what makes you think that "appeasement" is going to change them? 
I am sure the Iranians would absolutely love it if Obama won. See for yourself why:

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