Monday, September 8, 2008

A Black Man's Case Against Barack Obama

I found this very provocative, especially regarding the abortion issue (and I'm actually pro-choice).

This comes from the blog of a gentleman in Georgia:

The Top 10 Reasons Why This Black Guy Does NOT Vote Democrat!!!

With both major party conventions behinds us and less than two months to go until Election Day I felt compelled to throw my two cents into the public arena as most people really begin focus on a very heated race for the presidency. Many people are talking about the historic implications of this election with a black man at the top of the Democrat ticket and a white woman at the VP spot on the Republican ticket. Regardless of which side wins in November it will be a first for our country. So with that said and out of the way let's get down to business. 

Honestly it doesn't really matter who the Democrat nominee for president is. Whether it is Barack Obama or Fred Flintstone I could care less. The bottom line is that the Democrat platform is completely INCOMPATIBLE with my values and beliefs. Period! You see I am not one of the 90 % of black people in the country who have monolithically voted Democrat since the Civil Rights era of the 1960's. I typically get called a "sell-out" or "Uncle Tom" for my position but I find that label ignorant and juvenile. Actually the reason I vote the way I do is because I do care about the plight of black people now and for future generations. I urge people, especially black people, who chastise me for not "making a vote for history" to actually check the history of who and what they are casting their vote for. Don't succumb to made for TV soundbites or soaring speeches and do bona fide, credible research. I'm talking about getting the facts concerning peoples' backgrounds, voting records, personal and professional associations, etc.

So in no particular order here they go:

1. Democrats advocate abortion. I am against abortion! I believe abortion is murder and should not be used as a form of birth control because life begins at conception. And to black folks who want to complain about losing your status as the number one minority group in the country, I say stop killing your babies and you wouldn't have to press 1 for English whenever you call customer service. There would be 13 million more beautiful black people walking this earth today if they hadn't fallen victim to abortion.

http://www. blackgenocide. org/home. html

2. I believe in a strong military and national defense. Democrats are too wishy-washy, weak and wimpy on the issue. Because of extreme cases of BDS (Bush Derangement Syndrome), Democrat leaders and surrogates, not to mention a very biased liberal media, have undermined national security and the war effort almost from the start. I'll just say this current crop of Democrats ain't your grandfather's Democrat party of the WWII generation where they kicked ass, won and asked questions later.

3. Democrats advocate universal health care for all Americans. I am in favor of free market solutions and less government control to health care. I prefer not to have health care that has to be rationed out by some politician or bureacrat. Just look at other countries that have universal healthcare or socialized medicine. Not good!!!

http://city-journal. org/html/17_3_canadian_healthcare. html 

http://www. freemarketcure. com/

4. I believe in low taxes. I strongly disagree with income redistribution through progressive taxation especially to pay for failed social programs. Okay translation: I want to keep more of the money I earn in my own pocket. I believe I can spend my money better than the government can. Whether you are conservative or liberal, Republican or Democrat, you can't tell me you didn't get sick to your stomach looking at your first paycheck trying to figure out the difference between net and gross.

5. Democrats advocate strict gun control laws. I believe in the Second Amendment Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Stop making it harder for law abiding citizens to protect themselves against criminals. Because I know for certain if an intruder steps foot in my home he'll be spitting up bullets because I have no problem busting a cap in his ass. Shoot first ask questions later. 

6. Democrats coddle convicted criminals and are against the death penalty. I believe in stronger law enforcement and anti-crime laws, most importantly the death penalty especially in cases of premeditated murder, rape or treason. And to those people who want to debate that capital punishment is inhumane, I say take that position concerning the victims of these crimes? I'm all for the Robin Harris school of thought on crime. Start watching the clip at 10:30 (waring Rated R) - Check out this video: Robin Harris - HBO One Night Stand

7. Democrats advocate affirmative action. I do not support giving an individual preference or advantage based on a person's race, ethnic background, political affiliation or gender. I believe in picking the most qualified person for the job. After all isn't that the essence of MLK's "I Have a Dream" speech. "…we will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."

8. Democrats advocate extreme environmentalism and the religion of man-made global warming. I believe in being a good steward of the environment and can support "common sense" conservation; however the dead tree does not have the same rights as I do. Sorry I just don't buy it. What I can subscribe to is using more of our country's own natural resources for true energy independence. Drill here, drill now - the caribou will be just fine. C'mon even Diddy is complaining about the price of gas, LOL…

9. Democrats are beholden to the NEA and corrupt teachers' unions and are against choice in education. I believe as a parent I have the right to choose an alternative to a failing public school. I am totally in favor of a voucher that will enable me to take my tax money and spend it on an educational alternative to government run liberal indoctrination camps, oops I mean public school.

10. Democrats advocate the myth of separation of church and state. I believe in freedom of religion not freedom from religion and support displays of faith in the public square. After all if you have people running around naked protesting because some people like to wear fur then that high school coach should be able to lead his team in prayer before the big game, right? I wrote a blog on this last year.

So as you can see it really, really doesn't matter who is at the top of the Democrat presidential ticket. I just can't pull the lever for this group. So the next time someone, anyone, asks me, "Don't you want to see a black guy elected president?" I'll say sure I do but not the guy who is running for the job right now.

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