Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Lindsay Lohan Doesn't Like Sarah Palin

Lindsay Lohan (aka Lindsay Lohesbihan) apparently doesn't like Mrs. Palin, according to her lastest blog posting. Frankly, I'm quite surprised she was actually able to take time out from her champagne swigging, cocaine snorting, and snatch licking to actually write a few complete sentences. But according to news reports, here's what happened later on:

"In other Lohan news, the actress was heading into The Bowery Hotel in New York City Sunday night when she tripped over a metal barricade, TMZ reports. Lohan seems to have thought that a paparazzo tripped her — because she turned around and punched a photographer in the nose, the Web site says. Cops were called to the scene, but no charges were made."

I am sure Sarah Palin is just crushed not to receive an endorsement from this wonderful, upstanding citizen. But at least we can see that God has a sense of humor =)

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