Tuesday, September 16, 2008

McCain's Comments to AIPAC

If your stomach is still churning as much as mine after reading Obama's comments, perhaps a few of John McCain's remaks at the very same AIPAC conference will provide a somewhat effective remedy:

"Sheer survival in the face of Israel's many trials would have been impressive enough. But Israel has achieved much more than that these past sixty years. Israel has endured, and thrived, and her people have built a nation that is an inspiration to free nations everywhere."

"When we join in saying `never again,' that is not a wish, a request, or a plea to the enemies of Israel. It is a promise that the United States and Israel will honor, aganst any enemy who dares to test us"

*This is clearly a much stronger and uncompromising stance than Barack Obama even pretends to have.

"The Iranian president has called for Israel be `wiped off the map' and suggested that Israel's Jewish population should return to Europe. He calls Israel a `stinking corpse' that is `on its way to annihilation.' "

"A sponsor of both Hamas and Hezbollah, the leadership of Iran has repeatedly used violence to undermine Israel and the Middle East peace process."

*As usual, McCain is a "straight shooter." He refuses to downplay or "sugar coat" the reality of how evil the Iranian regime really is.

"It's hard to see what a summit with President Ahmadinejad would actually gain, except an earful of anti-Semitic rants, and a worldwide audience for a man who denies one Holocaust and talks before frenzied crowds about starting another."

"Should the [UN] Security Council continue to delay in [imposing further sanctions against Iran], the United States must lead like-minded countries in imposing multilateral sanctions outside the UN framework . . . a severe limit on Iranian imports of gasoline would create immediate pressure on Khamenei and Ahmadinejad to change course, and to cease in the pursuit of nuclear weapons."

*Again, I doubt that such pressure would really make Iran change its ways, but it's definitely a positive sign when McCain is not afraid to bypass the often incompetent UN Security Council when it won't do its job. If we keep the sanctions coming, it might just make the Iranian people's lives so miserable under the already unpopular Islamofacist regime that they will unite together, overthrow their corrupt government, depose their moronic president, and send the mullahs running for their lives. Since the Iranians are used to public hangings, I'm sure that if incited enough, they'll know exactly how to rid themselves of the Ayatollah for good!

McCain added that he was one of three U.S. Senators (and it shouldn't even need saying that Barack Obama was NOT one of the other two) that called for "designation of the Revolutionary Guard, [Iran's military unit] as a terrosist organization responsible for killing American troops in Iraq."

"Holding Iran's influence in check, and holding a terrorist organization accountable, sends exactly the right message- to Iran, to the region, and to the world."

Holding terrorists accountable? Imagine that, Barack.

"[The Iranians] are a great and civilized people, with little sympathy for the terrorists their leaders finance, and no wish to threaten other nations with nuclear weapons."

"[The Palestinian people] are badly served by the terrorist-led group in charge of Gaza. This is a group that still refuses to recognize Israel's right to exist, refuses to denounce violence, and refuses to acknowledge prior peace commitments."

McCain clearly shows much more understanding of these problems than his opponent, and knows exactly what will constitute the ultimate solution to them. Who caused the downfall of communism in the late 80's and early 90's? The PEOPLE in those countries themselves, who decided that enough was enough. Radical islamicism is the modern-day threat to freedom, liberty and peace, and it isn't at all far fetched to suggest that it can be defeated in the same way.

McCain demonstrates similar acumen with regard to Hezbollah:

"Hezbollah fighters recently took up arms against their fellow Lebanese, starting the worst internal fighting since the civil war ended in 1990. In the process, they extracted an agreement in which Hezbollah and its allies can veto any cabinet decision. As the leader of Hezbollah often reminds us, this group's mission is the defeat of Israel. The international community needs to more fully empower our allies in Lebanon- not only with military aid but also with the resources to undermine Hezbollah's appeal . . . We simply cannot afford to cede Lebanon's future to Syria and Iran."

*McCain's position on terrorists and their State-sponsors is very clear: no negotiation, no compromise, no appeasement. He sees the Islamofacists for who they truly are- pure evil. He also possess a much deeper understanding of both past and current events in the Middle East than Barack Obama, as well as future implications of anything less than an uncompromising stance against terror. This final excerpt from John McCain's speech to AIPAC should leave absolutely no doubt who is more qualified to confront our terrorist enemies head-on as commander in chief:

"It's worth recalling that America's progress in Iraq is the direct result of the new strategy that Senator Obama opposed. It was the strategy he predicted would fail, when he voted to cut off funds for our forces in Iraq. He now says he intends to withdraw combat troops from Iraq- one to two brigades per month until they are all removed. He will do so regardless of the conditions in Iraq, regardless of the consequences for our national security, regardless of the consequences for Israel's security, and in disregard of the best advice of our commanders on the ground.
This course would surely result in a catastrophe. If our troops are ordered to make a forced retreat, we risk all-out civil war, genocide, and a failed state in the heart of the Middle East. Al Qaeda terrorists would rejoice in the defeat of the United States. Allowing a terrorist sanctuary would profoundly affect the security of the United States, Israel, and our other friends, and would invite further intervention from Iraq's neighbors, including an emboldened Iran. We must not let this happen. We must not lead the region to suffer chaos, terrorist violence, and a wider war.
My friends, as the people of Israel know better than most, the safety of free people can never be taken for granted. And in a world full of dangers, Israel and the United States must always stand together . . . If there are ties between America and Israel that critics of our alliance have never understood, perhaps that is because they do not fully understand the love of liberty and the pursuit of justice."

Amen to that, maverick, Amen!

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