Saturday, September 20, 2008

Racism In The Democratic Party

I've been trying to convince people that all this talk by the Democrats about being more sensitive towards the rights of women, blacks, gays, and other minorities is flat out nonsense . They just pretend to care simply because they want the minority vote.

The wonderful thing about this election is that the Democrats are FINALLY exposing their true colors for all to see. First of all, they snub one of their own prominent members for the presidential nomination, and then snub her again for the VP nomination. Then when the Republicans nominte a female VP, the Democrats attack her with many of the same sexist epithets they normally denounce (with no liberal feminist group coming to her rescue, not that Sarah Palin needs it or wants it lol).

Looking back, remember that the first woman to sit on the U.S. Supreme Court was nominated by a REPUBLICAN, and the only African-American currently sitting on the high court was also nominted by a REPUBLICAN.

So America finally gets to witness, first hand, the utter hypocrisy of the Democrats and how they end up betraying the very minority groups whose rights they claim to support. Believe it or not, I actually in a way feel sorry for Barack Obama, as a recent article I cite below points out that such racist betrayal by many whites in his own party might be what ends up costing him the election.

Although I sure hope that Obama loses the election, he shouldn't lose because of the color of his skin, but because he'd be a flat out horrible president who, among other things, would raise our taxes and place America's security at risk.
As Obama himself would say, a pig can be black, white, green, purple, or blue, but it's still a pig!

http://news. aol. com/article/racial-views-may-cost-obama-election/181935?icid=100214839x1209710216x1200549293

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